
8 key points of How to Write


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8 key points of how to write long articles or essays 長い文章の書き方 English version

・Write the reason why
・Collect information(Research and Learn about the subject)
・Analyze based on information (statistics, questionnaires, opinions of intellectuals, etc.)
・Judge objectively
・Compare with past cases(Learning from History)
・A variety of perspectives
・Give concrete examples from your experience
・Make predictions
 - 志望動機(志望理由)で採用者が見るポイント
 - 小論文、作文で気をつけるべきポイント


I don't know what to write first.
I don't know how to write.
I don't know how to connect sentences.
I can't fill in the prescribed number of words.

You are having trouble with this.

Here, we will introduce how to write sentences.

In this Article, we will give you some hints on how to write relatively long sentences.

If you are "not good at writing long sentences" or "can't fill up the word count" for school reports, essay exams, etc., this is a must-see for you.

By the way, please note that this video will present tips for writing sentences as they come to mind,

so it does not mean that you should write sentences in the order of what is covered here.

・Write the reason why
First of all, as a premise, what to write and how to write differ depending on the genre of writing.
However, what is common to almost all of them is to write the reason why you think so.

Why do you want to enter that university?
Why do you want to work for that company?
Why you like it?
Why is that?

Some media, such as newspapers and magazines, are designed to convey information, but if you are writing something that will be evaluated and graded by others, you will usually need a reason.

Even in the case of a diary or essay, rather than just writing about events that happened in your daily life, it is better to write about questions you have in your daily life and why you have those questions, which will add variety to your writing and make it more interesting to read.

For example, a book report should not actually be a "I thought..." or "I felt..."
It is not enough to just write your impressions.

Readers are interested in "Why do you think so?"

If the reason is explained properly, such as "I thought so and so." Readers are more likely to be convinced, and it is easier to be evaluated.

・Collect information(Research and Learn about the subject)
Then, what should you do if you cannot come up with a reason for "thinking so"?

Some people think that if you don't have a reason, you should make one up, but without knowledge about the subject, in other words, the topic you are writing about, there is no way to write about it.

You can give many reasons for why you like what you like, but that is because you know it well.

If you have no idea what to write about, first try to know about the subject and research it.

Thanks to the Internet, information is now readily available.

Of course, there are rumors, speculations, and outright malicious information on the Internet that should be reviewed, but with the Internet, you can access information with the flick of a finger, whereas before you had to go to a library or bookstore to find a book or ask an expert.

The Internet saves you the time and trouble of searching for books at the library or bookstore because you can look them up on the Internet in advance.

・Analyze based on information (statistics, questionnaires, opinions of intellectuals, etc.)
Once you have the information, you can analyze it based on that information.

Analysis is necessary when considering some strategy or conducting research.

If you can correctly read, interpret, and analyze the statistics and other information you obtain, you can apply it to our next strategy or further improve the results of our research.

However, some of the information that is out there is not accurate, so the ability to make objective judgments is necessary.

In the medical community, there is a term called "Second Opinion," and it is important to be open to the opinions of others, not just one particular person.

In recent years, the term "Media Literacy" has become much more widespread, and I believe that many viewers do not simply believe what they hear on TV or read in newspapers and magazines, but rather receive information while considering and discerning whether or not it is correct.

People who do not listen honestly are often disliked, but when writing, one must be able to look at a subject with a critical eye and be able to make a point or two in order to be appreciated.

Criticism of a subject by critics and writers is like a "tsukkomi" in comic dialogue that is Manzai in Japanese.

Positive and forward thinking is generally preferred, but especially in essays, the ability to envision emergencies and worst-case scenarios and to think of countermeasures for them will be tested.

Preparing for national emergencies, or security, is a prime example.

This video does not focus on a specific type or genre of writing, so it may be difficult to understand, but if you can present a number of patterns of thinking in your writing and show that you have a wealth of ideas, you are likely to be evaluated as competent.

・Judge objectively
Some newspapers and books often contain not only objective facts but also the author's subjective and personal interpretations.

In addition, when you think about events or things, it is important to check and judge whether your opinion is correct.

・Compare with past cases(Learning from History)
They say, "Learn from history. If you look back at history, you will often find that things similar to what is happening today have occurred in the past.

By comparing past cases, you may be able to discover what can be applied to the current case.

After pointing out the differences between then and now, you can show how to solve the current problems by applying the past cases.

・A variety of perspectives
Try to imagine how someone in a different position from yourself would think. if you were your parents, or borother, sister, partner, a foreign person, how you think about it.

You may come up with other ideas.

・Give concrete examples from your experience
Abstract concepts are often difficult to understand, so it is better to give concrete examples from your own experience to make your writing easier to understand and more relatable.

・Make predictions
Predict the future of the topic. If you can predict the future based on past data, you will be evaluated more highly.

Tha's all for now.




∞ 文章作成のヒント

● 著作権や権利侵害、誹謗中傷に気をつける
● 出典元の情報・数値等を正しく引用する
● 敬体(です・ます調)、常体(である・だ調)を統一する
● 志望動機書・志望理由書・自己PRは敬体のほうがよい
● きれいごとを言わない(理想論だけで済まさない)
● 平易な言葉を使う。簡潔に書く。受験生の等身大の姿のまま謙虚な姿勢で書く(上から目線にならない)
● まず設問文を読み、メモを取りながら課題文を読み進める
● 設問文と課題文をよく読む
● 課題文をよく読む。最低2回は読む
● 設問で問われていることに正面からズバリ答える。課題文の要約はしない
● 小論文は感想文ではない(具体的に書く)
● 小論文では「~(と)考える」を用いる
● 手書きに慣れる
● 誤字脱字に注意する
● 一つの文を書き終えるごとに読み返しながら書く
● 冒頭と改行後は1マス空ける
● 結論から書く
● インパクトのある書き出しにする
● 「序論・本論・結論」に分ける
● 書き方を工夫する、整然と書く
● 嘘は書かない
● 過剰な表現(誇張)はしない
● 読みやすくする(書く順番を考える)
● 本題からそれ過ぎない
●「~(すれば)いい」→ 口語(話し言葉)は用いない。文語(書き言葉)を用いる
● 「~しまう」「~しまって(しまった)」
● 繰り返しをしない
● 表現の工夫
● 言い切る
● 言い切らない
● 文末表現に注意
● 文末表現「~はずだ(はずである)」「~べきだ(べきである)」等
● 三点リーダー「…」、ダッシュ「――」
● 名詞(事柄)の羅列はしない
● 体言止めは用いない
● 「?」と「!」の使い方
● 主語の省略
● 主語(何について述べているか)を明確にする
● 長い文に注意
● 文を分ける
● 短文を連ねて書かない
● 前後の文とつなげて書けないかを検討する
● 代名詞を用いる
● 修飾語は修飾する語の直前に置く
● 閉じ括弧の前の句点は不要
● 二重括弧の用い方(『 』)
● 箇条書きについて
● 「~たり」は複数回使用する
● カタカナ語の多用を控える
● 助詞「の」の連続を避ける
● 「こだわる」
● 情緒的な言葉(感情的な表現)
● 「よい」という表現




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